The General Chinese consists of introductory, intermediate and advanced 3 different levels Chinese courses. Introductory Chinese focus help students will their fundamental Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing ability Intermediate Chinese pay more attention on students’ reading and writing skills. Students taking Advanced Chinese will be exposed more to Chinese culture, history and society.
General Chinese 
essential information 
Study mode: semester/year
Start: March, July and October
Fees: 6000RMB/semester
Entry requirement: 
1. more than 18 years old 
2. love Chinese culture

Core subject
  • Introductory Chinese

  • Intermediate Chinese

  • Advanced Chinese

-Introductory general Chinese
-Introductory reading
-Introductory writing
-Introductory listening
-Introductory spoken Chinese
-Chinese culture
-intermediate general Chinese
-intermediate reading
-intermediate writing
-intermediate listening
-intermediate spoken Chinese
-Chinese history
-culture of Chinese characters
-advanced general Chinese
-advanced reading
-academic writing
-advanced listening
-geography of travel
-business Chinese
-newspaper reading