The history of Guilin Tourism University (GLTU) can be traced back to the founding of Guilin Institute of Tourism (GLIT) in 1985. Approved by the State Ministry of Education to upgrade into Guilin Tourism University in 2015, GLTU has now become one of the two prestigious tourism universities in China, member of the “China Union of Five Tourism Institutes”, Excellent Partner of Training Senior Tourism Personnel of Asian Development Bank (ADB), affiliate member of UNWTO since 2005 and member of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA). Considering its status, the National Tourism Administration (NTA) has authorized GLTU to be the Guangxi Centre of Educating and Training Tourism Professionals from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). GLTU is also the co-founder of China-ASEAN Tourism Education Alliance (CATEA).Located in Guilin, known for its “finest scenery under heaven” and divided into two campuses: the (uptown) one in Yanshan District, Guilin as the main campus and Canluan (downtown) Campus in Qixing District, Guilin for continuing education, currently GLTU covers a total area of 125 hectares with over 11,900 registered students living and studying here. The educational philosophy has been to procure the needs of the tourism industry with the motto “Learning by doing”.